Universal Design

Universal Design - is the creation of products and environments meant to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possilbe.


I came up with the idea of a voice activated spray bottle. Considering almost everyone can speak and is something very basic to do, people will be able to use a spray bottle no matter what.

What I'm going to need to make for my spray bottle:

1. Spray bottle

2. Voice command chip

3. Microphones

4. Speakers

5. Liquid proof box for the chip installed on the bottle

Spray Bottle


Engineering Design

The three bottles on the bottom are ideas I used for the Engineering design process. In the end I decided to go with my last choice because with the back being flat I am able to create the box in the back for my voice command chip to process a command. In the end my bottle turned out great and I am extremely proud of it.



This project was really amazing. Because of this project I learned so many new different commands such as network curve, rebuild, scale 2D, and array (rectangular). I also learned how to problem solve such as the question what can I use or make that almost every single person can do? and the answer I thought of was talking. I then began breaking down my project in steps by what I have to create and how I'm going to do it. Then I researched command chips and how they worked. I learned some chips can hold over a 100 commands but for my project I used a chip that can hold twenty to thirty commands. I also learned that by attaching a certain number of speakers the chip has a higher successor rating of reading what the command is or was. Thus, Begginning my universal design and finishing it with flying colors.

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